
Using A Blue And Red Strobe Light And A Siren On Multilane Highways

Author: Sly27

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Using A Blue And Red Strobe Light And A Siren On Multilane Highways

Unread post by Sly27 »

Here are my thoughts.

I want to begin by hoping this post will not be deleted and tossed away before people (or authorities) can read it.

I had a post a few days ago (on the "using the siren") but somehow it got nixed and tossed away.

I just bought some nice strobe lights blue and red that sit at the base of my windshield inside the car.

Also, I bought a siren with 7 tones, mostly police type of yelpers.


Let me explain: I only intend to use them to move drivers driving blissfully in the PASSING lane when the right lane or lanes are empty.

Unfortunately, there are increasingly more and more drivers who, thinking that if they drive the speed limit or 10 - 20 km above speed limit they can drive in the left-center lane oblivious to other motorists and oblivious to the fact that left center lane on a multilane highway is a lane for PASSING not CRUISING. And that despite the fact that the law clearly states that you have to drive on the right side unless you are passing another car. I am not talking about situations of heavy traffic when all lanes are busy or when on a highway with four lanes of traffic the left lane is the ONLY lane accessible to drive because the other right side 3 lanes will be occupied by slow tractor-trailers driving parallel and making fun of other motorists. No, I am talking about the situation when the two or 3 right lanes are empty yet one still drives on the left-center lane without any care forcing the faster drivers to change lanes or weave in and out of other lanes just to pass this offending driver.

So, for this reason, for my own safety, and for educational purposes I purchased a red-blue strobe light and a siren in an attempt to wake up this type of driver and make them move right when is clear to do so.

I also bought a dash cam that will be able to prove in court when eventually I will be charged that my intention was far from impersonating a police officer or any emergency worker for that matter and the only reason, I am using this last resort is to make blissful drivers cruising one the PASSING lane to the right when they see in their rear mirror another car behind trying to overtake them. So, I will have my dash-cam back me up and proving I employed the siren and strobe light only when the other lanes - on the right - were empty and void of traffic.

I have tried until now various methods to achieve this. I have flashed my headlights, I have put my signal light on left, but more often than not I got a finger flipped at me and been pointed out that I can pass them by changing lanes by moving to the other lane to the right and pass them on the right side. THAT IS WORONG. and not only wrong but hazardous and can potentially cause accidents.

I have made these decisions, and as I said I have decided to battle any charges in the court because I have never heard of a Police officer enforcing this law. Ever. If I am wrong, please correct me and tell me if anyone has ever seen or heard a Police officer pulling a car and charging or warning a driver cruising on the passing lane when the other lanes to the right were empty.

I understand it is much easier for Police officers to hide under an overpass and aim a radar gun on the passing traffic while munching on a doughnut waiting for a speeding car to fall right in their trap, but patrolling the highways and fining these motorists should also be on their list. After all, weaving in and out of traffic in order to pass an offending driver leisurely driving on the passing lane is way more dangerous than speaking on a handheld phone.

Anyway, I am writing this post to get your thoughts on the subject and to let me know if I am wrong where I am wrong

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Re: Using A Blue And Red Strobe Light And A Siren On Multilane Highways

Unread post by highwaystar »

You must be trolling because no one would be this stupid!

Not only are flashing red and blue lights not permitted (s. 62(14.2)), but your dash cam footage would prove the case for the prosecutor, not to mention likely prove your speeding, unnecessary noise (with the siren) and any other aggressive behaviour you might show. At best, you are looking at a slew of traffic offenses.

The impersonation charges would be criminal.

So, I highly doubt anyone with half a brain would think this is a smart move. What possible outcome would they expect to come from this other than punishment?? That's why I think you are just trolling. :lol:

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Re: Using A Blue And Red Strobe Light And A Siren On Multilane Highways

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The possible outcome, or rather the outcome I am expecting is to create is to finally educate drivers that the left lane is for passing only. Like in scores of civilized countries, say like in Germany or Italy or any number of countries, where driving leisurely of the passing lane would totally outrage other motorists and would prompt police to lay heavy fines.

Here no enforcement agency, whether Police, OPP, or RCMP, ever cares about motorists driving in the passing landed and obstructing, therefore, faster drivers pass them.

Is it safe for faster drivers to change lanes just to be able to pass an inconsiderate driver???

I have scores of footage showing an amazing image. on the fast, or passing lanes: a solid line of cars, on the middle lane an occasional truck and on the right lane ....empty!!!!

That is how Ontarians travel? you think is normal?

I do not know how to draw attention to this anomaly other than trying to scare motorists from driving in the passing lane. LEFT LANE IS FOR PASSING ONLY!!!!.

I never said I will not plead guilty for using a strobe or siren. (Speed on the dashcam footage is disabled because my driving speed has no bearing or relevance)

I will plead guilty and make my point that I did that for safety reasons!!!

oh, by the way, traveling speed is not a factor....the law does not exempt drivers driving the speed limit from moving right when they see another car in the mirror trying to overtake them. flashing high beams or sounding the horn will just make them stick to the left lane. I hope a blue red strobe will scare them in at least temporarily moving to the right so I can pass.

I wish Police would enforce this least a little bit

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Re: Using A Blue And Red Strobe Light And A Siren On Multilane Highways

Unread post by Zatota »

Your point is fair. I, too, can't stand drivers who "park" themselves in the passing lane and back traffic up. There are plenty of ways to increase awareness. Kerry Schmidt of the OPP has a video about it. I'm sure there are other videos, social media posts, etc. Violating the HTA and being willing to plead guilty so you can pay fines and watch your insurance skyrocket is not the way to do it.

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Re: Using A Blue And Red Strobe Light And A Siren On Multilane Highways

Unread post by Decatur »

I'm just curious as to what law those in the left lane are violating and where in the HTA does it state "LEFT LANE IS FOR PASSING ONLY!!!!."

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Re: Using A Blue And Red Strobe Light And A Siren On Multilane Highways

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October 2021 amendment to HTA now includes:

Stunt driving and street racing

Stunt driving and street racing are dangerous and illegal.

Stunt driving includes:

driving 40 kilometres per hour or more over the speed limit on roads with a speed limit less than 80 kilometres per hour

driving 50 kilometres per hour or more over the speed limit

>…..driving in a way that prevents other vehicles from passing

intentionally cutting off another vehicle

intentionally driving too close to another vehicle, pedestrian or fixed object.

***I am not a lawyer, I have no legal qualifications and my opinions could well be wrong***.
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Re: Using A Blue And Red Strobe Light And A Siren On Multilane Highways

Unread post by Sly27 »

The HTA states:

"keep right except to pass" and "slower traffic keep right....

Now, "slower traffic" means slower than the car willing to pass you, not slower than speed limit!!!!

If you drive say 220 km/h and you see a Ferrari in your rearview mirror it means you are SLOWER than that Ferrari so MOVE RIGHT if the right lane is free.

You don't get it folks do you??? a faster driver will pass you ANY WAY because he drives faster or has some urgent thing. Now, safety-wise: how is it safer to pass you? if you move your ass to the right in a free lane or for him to change lanes to pass you? really?

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Re: Using A Blue And Red Strobe Light And A Siren On Multilane Highways

Unread post by Sly27 »

I appreciate that OPP Kerry Schmidt has videos increasing awareness but the practice of "being parked" on the passing lane is so dangerous that, having videos is not enough....

OPP stops drivers from holding a handheld device, don't they? and fine is 600+ ...

I wonder why in God's name nobody ever fines these drivers (driving without passing on the left lane) is that SO HARD to do?

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Re: Using A Blue And Red Strobe Light And A Siren On Multilane Highways

Unread post by highwaystar »

What section of the HTA do you propose applies if they are going the speed limit in the left lane?

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Re: Using A Blue And Red Strobe Light And A Siren On Multilane Highways

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the one that says "Keep right except to pass" ...

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Re: Using A Blue And Red Strobe Light And A Siren On Multilane Highways

Unread post by highwaystar »

Sly27 wrote: Tue Nov 02, 2021 6:37 pmthe one that says "Keep right except to pass" ...

Other than to move over for emergency vehicles, a person can drive in the left lane so long as they are driving the speed limit. Its only an offence if they are driving at "less than the normal speed of traffic" in the left lane. Since no one can go beyond the speed limit, its ok to drive at the speed limit in the left lane.

Be sure as to not confuse the offence with meaning there is always a blanket obligation to move to the right lane and the left lane is only for passing---that's not the case.

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Re: Using A Blue And Red Strobe Light And A Siren On Multilane Highways

Unread post by Sly27 »

your quote:

""Other than to move over for emergency vehicles, a person can drive in the left lane so long as they are driving the speed limit. It's only an offense if they are driving at "less than the normal speed of traffic" in the left lane. Since no one can go beyond the speed limit, it's ok to drive at the speed limit in the left lane.""

That is not right!!!! Nowhere is stated that is only an offense if they are driving less than the normal speed of traffic....No. it simply states "slower"....If one if driving a Porshe with 220 km/hour on the left lane and I'm driving a Bugatti with 320km/ hours the one driving the Porshe is still offending because he IS SLOWER THAN ME.

Think of it from the safety perspective....

You will ALWAYS have drivers in a hurry. Whether their wife is giving birth or whether they are pooping their pants or whether their kid has been abducted at school - you will always have faster than the speed limit drivers (not to mention that our speed limit is a joke and a shame)

So I ask you is it safer for the overall traffic for those drivers to go and weave in and out of different lanes to pass or simply is safer to let them pass on the passing lane??

just think safe here??

I believe that is totally unsafe for an old gramma driving EXACTLY 100km/ hour on the left lane staying planted there and having 90% of all other drivers change lanes in order to pass her then having said gramma move to the center, or right lane if empty.

Think of it.

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Re: Using A Blue And Red Strobe Light And A Siren On Multilane Highways

Unread post by highwaystar »

Traffic courts do NOT factor safety when they consider whether you were speeding or not. Its an absolute liability offence. The question is simply whether you were speeding or not and whether you have a legally accepted excuse for disobeying the law (e.g. necessity). So, someone is perfectly allowed to drive at the maximum speed limit in the left lane since it is reasonably diligent to assume no one can pass them.

So, if you don't like the law as it is or want to make safety arguments, then take it up with the politicians----traffic courts are the wrong venue. The traffic court can only enforce the law as it is.

Once again, I think you are just trolling----after all, a few google searches and a couple of minutes of case law research would give you this information. I think you just don't like the law as it is and want to use the court as a podium----good luck with that! :lol:

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Re: Using A Blue And Red Strobe Light And A Siren On Multilane Highways

Unread post by whaddyaknow »

highwaystar wrote: Thu Nov 11, 2021 7:15 pm

Once again, I think you are just trolling----

@highwaystar: Think it's time to stop feeding the troll...

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