
Ticketed For Having A Siren!

Author: kami009

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Ticketed For Having A Siren!

Unread post by kami009 »

:( ok well here is my story .. I had an old megaphone from alarm system and decided since my horns on my car were rusted and were not making a loud enough sound.. i connected the alarm megaphone to the horn wires and it sounded very cool. depending on how log i hold my horn down for . due to the size of the power horn.. and mhy car being a Honda.. meaning no room under the hood i had installed it on my front grill.. and it was very much attention grabber. i got people staring at my car even when i wasnt honking. I even showed a few cops my Power horn and they laughed itt off... but i finally ran int a cop with no sense of humour and she gave me a ticket for 110$ for having a SIREN! HTA 75,6 a device the resembles the sound of cop car.. To be honest i had no idea this law even exsisted.. i might be the first one ever being charged with this as far as i know. any advice on fighting this ticket is apperciated. its 110$ I dont think it was fair decsion since i didnt even play it till they asked me too.. they pulled me over cause it was just attachd to my car.

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Unread post by Bookm »

You may be the first one charged, but you're not the first one to try this. Me and a buddy hooked up an old siren to his moms Vega (when we were 16) that we found on an old boat up north somewhere. It would spool up and sound like an old cruiser from the 30's! LOL. We were pulled over within a week but (of course) weren't charged, just informed about the law, and drove off with a warning.

Do YOU feel it sounds like an emergency vehicle siren?? Of course you should fight it. Make "Mr. fuddy-duddy" expose himself in the court as the stuffy bully that he is. I have a feeling the JP would find a way to dismiss the charge.

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Should I Plea Not-guilty?

Unread post by kami009 »

I am hoping the Judge well have a better sense of humour about it.. either reduce the ticket or just cancel it all together.. but i really dont know how to explain it.. i only used the siren once to pull someone over who stole gas at my cusions station. lool good ti.ess but i mostly used it to honk at hot girlies and thats what i told the cops had them laughin hard/

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Unread post by Reflections »

up an old siren to his moms Vega

Showing your age Bookm :D OR
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Unread post by Bookm »

What??.. They don't make Vega's any more?? LOL. I had the Pontiac version (Astre, below). I hooked up a big speaker to the public address port on my CB. I had to make my own siren noises with my voice, LMAO.

Too bad those cars rusted away in a matter of weeks :evil:

First Car (15 yrs. old) Image

OH YA... Kami, don't tell the judge you actually pulled some one over, LOL. That's like impersonating an officer which is a bad thing (shakes finger). You're challenge is to make this HORN (not siren) seem less "siren-like" and more "horn-like" to the JP.

Prohibition as to use of siren horn

(6) No vehicle other than an ambulance, fire or police department vehicle, public utility emergency vehicle or vehicle operated by the Ministry shall be equipped with a siren horn or a device producing a sound which so nearly resembles that produced by a siren horn as to deceive or confuse. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 75 (6).

Clearly, since you actually pulled someone over, the sound DID "deceive" and "confuse". Quit shooting yourself in the foot, LOL.

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Re: Should I Plea Not-guilty?

Unread post by hwybear »

kami009 wrote: i only used the siren once to pull someone over

There's the problem!!!

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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