
Government Proposes Random Breathalyzer Tests

Author: admin

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Re: Government Proposes Random Breathalyzer Tests

Unread post by ponyboyt »

admin wrote:The federal government is considering tough new legislation that would allow police to perform random breathalyzer tests on drivers, whether they suspect the person has been drinking or not.

This would be a horrible law.

I definitly do not like this AT ALL.

It's bad enough they do 3 ride programs a week in my town (not including weekends) and i always hit them on my way home when i'm tired and just "want to get home".

Last time they made me pull to the side and she asked for my license.... and made me sit there for about 5 minutes before returning it to me and sending me on my way.

Damned if i wanna get outa my warm Cadillac in the dead of winter to blow into a box when they KNOW i haven't been drinking.

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Unread post by ditchMD »

hwybear wrote:If the law has an effect such as it has in Australia or Ireland......I'm all for it.

hwybear wrote:Police can stop and search my car anytime they want, nothing illegal in it. If it would get one less gun off the street preventing a murder, getting dope off the street to prevent one more person from becoming hooked.....I'm all for it....5 min of my time every now and then to prevent a death or burden on our health care via drug rehab is well worth it.

The only reply I have to this thread is as follows:

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty

to purchase a little Temporary Safety,

deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin

Are we willing to give up our rights and freedoms in order to "possibly prevent". We start with DUIs, what will be next? Random search of the person (which this legislation essentially is) for weapons, contraband? This is the start of a very slippery slope!

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Unread post by racer »

Last Saturday, coming home from a club (friend's vehicle), DD driving us home. He got stopped 2 times in less than 50 feet for RIDE!!! That is insane!

"The more laws, the less justice" - Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Unread post by CoolChick »

The HTA is an ACT. It is NOT LAW. Acts and statutes are ONLY enforcable as law with the CONSENT of the governed.

If you do not consent you cannot be charged.

When you obtain a Drivers Licence you SIGN it. That is your CONSENT to be governed by the ACT. The reason they are called ACTS is because that is precisely what they are . They are ACTS. They are NOT laws.

Just because a particular party is in ```power`` it does not mean you have to be governed by it. You can remove your consent to be governed. Just as you can remove your consent to anything. Consent is VOLUNTARY, signing anything is VOLUNTARY.... if you sign anything under duress or by coercion it is not worth the paper it is written on.

You drivers licence is your consent, once you admit to being the `person` (legal fiction) on the licence you enter into a contract and create joinder with police officer. Thats how you can be ticketed by the police under HTA.

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Unread post by admin »

CoolChick wrote:The HTA is an ACT. It is NOT LAW. Acts and statutes are ONLY enforcable as law with the CONSENT of the governed.

If you do not consent you cannot be charged.

You actually consented when you stepped foot on Canadian Soil! If You don't want to consent, here's an idea, leave Canada!

You can't be like oh well I don't want to be charged so I do not consent and bla bla bla.

It's not how it works. You must respect and you automatically agree and consent to the laws of the country you are in.

Try going to places like Saudi Arabia, and be like, ahh I don't consent to your laws, so I'm gonna do whatever I like. :P Good luck with that.

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Unread post by CoolChick »

Statute – a legislative rule of society given the force of law (it is not a law, it has the force of law to those in the society, (with their consent, see below) : definition from blacks law dictionary

Society – a group of people gathered together under mutual consent to deliberate a common goal (without your consent you are not a part of the society), if you are not a part of the society its statutes do not apply to you: definition from blacks law dictionary

Hope this clarifies things for those who were unaware !

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