
Charter Of Rights Violated?

Author: knight_yyz

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Charter Of Rights Violated?

Unread post by knight_yyz »

Long story short. Got a speeding ticket last July 07 and asked for disclosure. It never came. Went to court In january and explained this but I had no proof. So an adjournment was granted to May 30 to obtain disclosure. Received a notice in the mail that officer will be on vacation that week. Show up today in court or

a new trial will be set and we won't tell you about it. I showed up and its adjourned to Aug 22 08. I want to exercise my right to a speedy trial. Anyone know the method for doing this?

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Unread post by Bookm »

Of course the Crown will argue for as many continuances as necessary, and they will be granted unless you aggressively appose them.

So now I would just lay low until your next court date and hope the Disclosure doesn't arrive. If the Crown motions for another continuance for ANY reason, be prepared to explain to the JP that you have already suffered from TWO continuances, and neither one of them was your fault! Remember, the JP will most likely continue to grant Crown motions unless you strongly object to them. Make a statement that you are losing income by missing work and ask that the charges be dropped to avoid any further hardship.

And, yah, 13 months is a long time. I would motion for dismissal based on this as soon as the trial starts (before any testimony is taken).

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Unread post by CoolChick »

How do you issue a motion to dismiss. What is the procedure ? Is there a link to a procedure on this site ?

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Unread post by Lawman »

Motions use rule 37 of the rules of court. Motions use Form 37A.

Follow rule 4 when creating your court documents.

Rules are on the link below ... g-194.html

Fill in the details on the motion form below. ... A_0707.doc

All court Forms are on the link below




37.01 A motion shall be made by a notice of motion (Form 37A) unless the nature of the motion or the circumstances make a notice of motion unnecessary. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.01.


Jurisdiction of Judge

37.02 (1) A judge has jurisdiction to hear any motion in a proceeding. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.02 (1).

Jurisdiction of a Master

(2) A master has jurisdiction to hear any motion in a proceeding, and has all the jurisdiction of a judge in respect of a motion, except a motion,

(a) where the power to grant the relief sought is conferred expressly on a judge by a statute or rule;

(b) to set aside, vary or amend an order of a judge;

(c) to abridge or extend a time prescribed by an order that a master could not have made;

(d) for judgment on consent in favour of or against a party under disability;

(e) relating to the liberty of the subject;

(f) under section 4 or 5 of the Judicial Review Procedure Act; or

(g) in an appeal. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.02 (2).

Jurisdiction of Registrar

(3) The registrar shall make an order granting the relief sought on a motion for an order on consent, if,

(a) the consent of all parties (including the consent of any party to be added, deleted or substituted) is filed;

(b) the consent states that no party affected by the order is under disability; and

(c) the order sought is for,

(i) amendment of a pleading, notice of application or notice of motion,

(ii) addition, deletion or substitution of a party,

(iii) removal of a lawyer as lawyer of record;

(iv) setting aside the noting of a party in default,

(v) setting aside a default judgment,

(vi) discharge of a certificate of pending litigation,

(vii) security for costs in a specified amount,

(viii) re-attendance of a witness to answer questions on an examination,

(ix) fulfilment of undertakings given on an examination, or

(x) dismissal of a proceeding, with or without costs. O. Reg. 19/03, s. 8; O. Reg. 575/07, s. 21.


37.03 (1) All motions shall be heard in the county where the proceeding was commenced or to which it has been transferred under rule 13.1.02, unless the court orders otherwise. O. Reg. 14/04, s. 17.

Note: On January 1, 2010, subrule (1) is amended by striking out "heard" and substituting "brought and heard". See: O. Reg. 438/08, ss. 32, 68 (1).

(2) Revoked: R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, s. 37.03 (3).

(3) Spent: O. Reg. 14/04, s. 17.


37.04 A motion shall be made to the court if it is within the jurisdiction of a master or registrar and otherwise shall be made to a judge. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.04; O. Reg. 19/03, s. 9.


Where no practice direction

37.05 (1) At any place where no practice direction concerning the scheduling of motions is in effect, a motion may be set down for hearing on any day on which a judge or master is scheduled to hear motions. O. Reg. 770/92, s. 10.

Exception, lengthy hearing

(2) If a lawyer estimates that the hearing of the motion will be more than two hours long, a hearing date shall be obtained from the registrar before the notice of motion is served. O. Reg. 770/92, s. 10; O. Reg. 575/07, s. 3.

Urgent motion

(3) An urgent motion may be set down for hearing on any day on which a judge or master is scheduled to hear motions, even if a lawyer estimates that the hearing is likely to be more than two hours long. O. Reg. 770/92, s. 10; O. Reg. 575/07, s. 3.


37.06 Every notice of motion (Form 37A) shall,

(a) state the precise relief sought;

(b) state the grounds to be argued, including a reference to any statutory provision or rule to be relied on; and

(c) list the documentary evidence to be used at the hearing of the motion. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.06.


Required as General Rule

37.07 (1) The notice of motion shall be served on any party or other person who will be affected by the order sought, unless these rules provide otherwise. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.07 (1); O. Reg. 260/05, s. 9 (1).

Where Not Required

(2) Where the nature of the motion or the circumstances render service of the notice of motion impracticable or unnecessary, the court may make an order without notice. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.07 (2).

(3) Where the delay necessary to effect service might entail serious consequences, the court may make an interim order without notice. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.07 (3).

(4) Unless the court orders or these rules provide otherwise, an order made without notice to a party or other person affected by the order shall be served on the party or other person, together with a copy of the notice of motion and all affidavits and other documents used at the hearing of the motion. O. Reg. 219/91, s. 3; O. Reg. 260/05, s. 9 (2).

Where Notice Ought to Have Been Served

(5) Where it appears to the court that the notice of motion ought to have been served on a person who has not been served, the court may,

(a) dismiss the motion or dismiss it only against the person who was not served;

(b) adjourn the motion and direct that the notice of motion be served on the person; or

(c) direct that any order made on the motion be served on the person. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.07 (5).

Minimum Notice Period

(6) Where a motion is made on notice, the notice of motion shall be served at least four days before the date on which the motion is to be heard. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.07 (6); O. Reg. 171/98, s. 12.

Note: On January 1, 2010, subrule (6) is amended by striking out "four" and substituting "seven". See: O. Reg. 438/08, ss. 33, 68 (1).


37.08 (1) Where a motion is made on notice, the notice of motion shall be filed with proof of service at least three days before the hearing date in the court office where the motion is to be heard. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.08 (1); O. Reg. 171/98, s. 13.

Note: On January 1, 2010, subrule (1) is amended by striking out "three" and substituting "seven". See: O. Reg. 438/08, ss. 34, 68 (1).

(2) Where service of the notice of motion is not required, it shall be filed at or before the hearing. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.08 (2).


37.09 (1) A party who makes a motion may abandon it by delivering a notice of abandonment. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.09 (1).

(2) A party who serves a notice of motion and does not file it or appear at the hearing shall be deemed to have abandoned the motion unless the court orders otherwise. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.09 (2).

(3) Where a motion is abandoned or is deemed to have been abandoned, a responding party on whom the notice of motion was served is entitled to the costs of the motion forthwith, unless the court orders otherwise. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.09 (3).


Where Motion Record Required

37.10 (1) Where a motion is made on notice, the moving party shall, unless the court orders otherwise before or at the hearing of the motion, serve a motion record on every other party to the motion and file it, with proof of service, in the court office where the motion is to be heard, at least three days before the hearing, and the court file shall not be placed before the judge or master hearing the motion unless he or she requests it or a party requisitions it. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.10 (1); O. Reg. 171/98, s. 14 (1).

Note: On January 1, 2010, subrule (1) is amended by striking out "three" and substituting "seven". See: O. Reg. 438/08, ss. 35 (1), 68 (1).

Contents of Motion Record

(2) The motion record shall contain, in consecutively numbered pages arranged in the following order,

(a) a table of contents describing each document, including each exhibit, by its nature and date and, in the case of an exhibit, by exhibit number or letter;

(b) a copy of the notice of motion;

(c) a copy of all affidavits and other material served by any party for use on the motion;

(d) a list of all relevant transcripts of evidence in chronological order, but not necessarily the transcripts themselves; and

(e) a copy of any other material in the court file that is necessary for the hearing of the motion. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.10 (2).

Responding Partys Motion Record

(3) Where a motion record is served a responding party who is of the opinion that it is incomplete may serve on every other party, and file, with proof of service, in the court office where the motion is to be heard, at least two days before the hearing, a responding partys motion record containing, in consecutively numbered pages arranged in the following order,

Note: On January 1, 2010, subrule (3) is amended by striking out "two" in the portion before clause (a) and substituting "four". See: O. Reg. 438/08, ss. 35 (2), 68 (1).

(a) a table of contents describing each document, including each exhibit, by its nature and date and, in the case of an exhibit, by exhibit number or letter; and

(b) a copy of any material to be used by the responding party on the motion and not included in the motion record. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.10 (3); O. Reg. 171/98, s. 14 (2).

Material may be Filed as Part of Record

(4) A notice of motion and any other material served by a party for use on a motion may be filed, together with proof of service, as part of the partys motion record and need not be filed separately. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.10 (4).

Transcript of Evidence

(5) A party who intends to refer to a transcript of evidence at the hearing of a motion shall file a copy of the transcript as provided by rule 34.18. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.10 (5).


(6) A party may serve on every other party a factum consisting of a concise argument stating the facts and law relied on by the party. O. Reg. 14/04, s. 18.

(7) The moving partys factum, if any, shall be served at least four days before the hearing. O. Reg. 14/04, s. 18.

Note: On January 1, 2010, subrule (7) is amended by striking out "four" and substituting "seven". See: O. Reg. 438/08, ss. 35 (3), 68 (1).

(8) The responding partys factum, if any, shall be served at least two days before the hearing. O. Reg. 14/04, s. 18.

Note: On January 1, 2010, subrule (8) is amended by striking out "two" and substituting "four". See: O. Reg. 438/08, ss. 35 (4), 68 (1).

(9) Each partys factum, if any, shall be filed, with proof of service, in the court office where the motion is to be heard, at least two days before the hearing. O. Reg. 14/04, s. 18.

Refusals and Undertakings Chart

(10) On a motion to compel answers or to have undertakings given on an examination or cross-examination satisfied,

(a) the moving party shall serve on every other party to the motion and file with proof of service, in the court office where the motion is to be heard, at least three days before the hearing, a refusals and undertakings chart (Form 37C) that sets out,

Note: On January 1, 2010, clause (a) is amended by striking out "three" in the portion before subclause (i) and substituting "seven". See: O. Reg. 438/08, ss. 35 (5), 68 (1).

(i) the issue that is the subject of the refusal or undertaking and its connection to the pleadings or affidavit,

(ii) the question number and a reference to the page of the transcript where the question appears, and

(iii) the exact words of the question; and

(b) the responding party shall serve on the moving party and every other party to the motion and file with proof of service, in the court office where the motion is to be heard, at least two days before the hearing, a copy of the undertakings and refusals chart that was served by the moving party completed so as to show,

Note: On January 1, 2010, clause (b) is amended by striking out "two" in the portion before subclause (i) and substituting "four". See: O. Reg. 438/08, ss. 35 (6), 68 (1).

(i) the answer provided, or

(ii) the basis for the refusal to answer the question or satisfy the undertaking. O. Reg. 132/04, s. 8.


Confirmation of Motion

37.10.1 (1) A party who makes a motion on notice to another party shall,

(a) confer or attempt to confer with the other party;

(b) not later than 2 p.m. two days before the hearing date, give the registrar a confirmation of motion (Form 37B) by,

Note: On January 1, 2010, clause (b) is amended by striking out "two" in the portion before subclause (i) and substituting "three". See: O. Reg. 438/08, ss. 36, 68 (1).

(i) sending it by fax, or by e-mail if available in the court office, or

(ii) leaving it at the court office; and

(c) send a copy of the confirmation of motion to the other party by fax or e-mail. O. Reg. 14/04, s. 19.

Effect of Failure to Confirm

(2) If no confirmation is given, the motion shall not be heard, except by order of the court. O. Reg. 14/04, s. 19.

Duty to Update

(3) A party who has given a confirmation of motion and later determines that the confirmation is no longer correct shall immediately,

(a) give the registrar a corrected confirmation of motion (Form 37B) by,

(i) sending it by fax, or by e-mail if available in the court office, or

(ii) leaving it at the court office; and

(b) send a copy of the corrected confirmation of motion to the other party by fax or e-mail. O. Reg. 14/04, s. 19.


37.11 (1) A motion may be heard in the absence of the public where,

(a) the motion is to be heard and determined without oral argument;

(b) because of urgency, it is impractical to have the motion heard in public;

(c) the motion is to be heard by conference telephone;

(d) the motion is made in the course of a pre-trial conference; or

(e) the motion is before a single judge of an appellate court. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.11 (1); O. Reg. 465/93, s. 4 (1); O. Reg. 24/00, s. 7.

(2) The hearing of all other motions shall be open to the public, except as provided in section 135 of the Courts of Justice Act, in which case the presiding judge or officer shall endorse on the notice of motion leave for a hearing in the absence of the public. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.11 (2).

37.12 Revoked: O. Reg. 288/99, s. 15.


Consent motions, unopposed motions and motions without notice

37.12.1 (1) Where a motion is on consent, unopposed or without notice under subrule 37.07 (2), the motion may be heard in writing without the attendance of the parties, unless the court orders otherwise. O. Reg. 465/93, s. 4 (2).

(2) Where the motion is on consent, the consent and a draft order shall be filed with the notice of motion. O. Reg. 766/93, s. 1 (1).

(3) Where the motion is unopposed, a notice from the responding party stating that the party does not oppose the motion and a draft order shall be filed with the notice of motion. O. Reg. 766/93, s. 1 (1).

Opposed Motions in Writing

(4) Where the issues of fact and law are not complex, the moving party may propose in the notice of motion that the motion be heard in writing without the attendance of the parties, in which case,

(a) the motion shall be made on at least fourteen days notice;

(b) the moving party shall serve with the notice of motion and immediately file, with proof of service in the court office where the motion is to be heard, a motion record, a draft order and a factum entitled factum for a motion in writing, setting out the moving partys argument;

(c) the motion may be heard in writing without the attendance of the parties, unless the court orders otherwise. O. Reg. 465/93, s. 4 (2); O. Reg. 766/93, s. 1 (2).

(5) Within ten days after being served with the moving partys material, the responding party shall serve and file, with proof of service, in the court office where the motion is to be heard,

(a) a consent to the motion;

(b) a notice that the responding party does not oppose the motion;

(c) a motion record, a notice that the responding party agrees to have the motion heard and determined in writing under this rule and a factum entitled factum for a motion in writing, setting out the partys argument; or

(d) a notice that the responding party intends to make oral argument, along with any material intended to be relied upon by the party. O. Reg. 465/93, s. 4 (2).

(6) Where the responding party delivers a notice under subrule (5) that the party intends to make oral argument, the moving party may either attend the hearing and make oral argument or not attend and rely on the partys motion record and factum. O. Reg. 465/93, s. 4 (2).


37.13 (1) On the hearing of a motion, the presiding judge or officer may grant the relief sought or dismiss or adjourn the motion, in whole or in part and with or without terms, and may,

(a) where the proceeding is an action, order that it be placed forthwith, or within a specified time, on a list of cases requiring speedy trial; or

(b) where the proceeding is an application, order that it be heard at such time and place as are just. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.13 (1).

(2) A judge who hears a motion may,

(a) in proper case, order that the motion be converted into a motion for judgment; or

(b) order the trial of an issue, with such directions as are just, and adjourn the motion to be disposed of by the trial judge. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.13 (2).

(3) Where on a motion a judge directs the trial of an issue, subrules 38.10 (2) and (3) (issue treated as action) apply with necessary modifications. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.13 (3).

Exception, motions in estate matters

(4) Clause (2) (b) and subrule (3) do not apply to motions under Rules 74 and 75. O. Reg. 484/94, s. 7.


Motion to Set Aside or Vary

37.14 (1) A party or other person who,

(a) is affected by an order obtained on motion without notice;

(b) fails to appear on a motion through accident, mistake or insufficient notice; or

(c) is affected by an order of a registrar,

may move to set aside or vary the order, by a notice of motion that is served forthwith after the order comes to the persons attention and names the first available hearing date that is at least three days after service of the notice of motion. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.14 (1); O. Reg. 132/04, s. 9.

(2) On a motion under subrule (1), the court may set aside or vary the order on such terms as are just. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.14 (2).

Order Made by Registrar

(3) A motion under subrule (1) or any other rule to set aside, vary or amend an order of a registrar may be made to a judge or master, at a place determined in accordance with rule 37.03 (place of hearing of motions). R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.14 (3).

Order Made by Judge

(4) A motion under subrule (1) or any other rule to set aside, vary or amend an order of a judge may be made,

(a) to the judge who made it, at any place; or

(b) to any other judge, at a place determined in accordance with rule 37.03 (place of hearing of motions). R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.14 (4).

Order Made by Master

(5) A motion under subrule (1) or any other rule to set aside, vary or amend an order of a master may be made,

(a) to the master who made it, at any place; or

(b) to any other master or to a judge, at a place determined in accordance with rule 37.03 (place of hearing of motions). R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.14 (5).

Order Made in Court of Appeal or Divisional Court

(6) A motion under subrule (1) or any other rule to set aside, vary or amend an order made by a judge or panel of the Court of Appeal or Divisional Court may be made,

(a) where the order was made by a judge, to the judge who made it or any other judge of the court; or

(b) where the order was made by a panel of the court, to the panel that made it or any other panel of the court. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.14 (6).


37.15 (1) Where a proceeding involves complicated issues or where there are two or more proceedings that involve similar issues, the Chief Justice or Associate Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Justice, a regional senior judge of the Superior Court of Justice or a judge designated by any of them may direct that all motions in the proceeding or proceedings be heard by a particular judge, and rule 37.03 (place of hearing of motions) does not apply to those motions. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.15 (1); O. Reg. 292/99, ss. 2 (3), 4.

(1.1) A judge who is directed to hear all motions under subrule (1) may refer to a master any motion within the jurisdiction of a master under subrule 37.02 (2) unless the judge who made the direction under subrule (1) directs otherwise. O. Reg. 348/97, s. 2.

Note: On January 1, 2010, rule 37.15 is amended by adding the following subrule:

(1.2) A judge who is directed to hear all motions under subrule (1) and a master to whom a motion is referred under subrule (1.1) may, in respect of the motions, give such directions and make such procedural orders as are necessary to promote the most expeditious and least expensive determination of the proceeding. O. Reg. 438/08, s. 37 (1).

See: O. Reg. 438/08, ss. 37 (1), 68 (1).

(2) A judge who hears motions pursuant to a direction under subrule (1) shall not preside at the trial of the actions or the hearing of the applications. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.15 (2).

Note: On January 1, 2010, subrule (2) is amended by adding "except with the written consent of all parties" at the end. See: O. Reg. 438/08, ss. 37 (2), 68 (1).


37.16 On motion by any party, a judge or master may by order prohibit another party from making further motions in the proceeding without leave, where the judge or master on the hearing of the motion is satisfied that the other party is attempting to delay or add to the costs of the proceeding or otherwise abuse the process of the court by a multiplicity of frivolous or vexatious motions. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.16.


37.17 In an urgent case, a motion may be made before the commencement of a proceeding on the moving partys undertaking to commence the proceeding forthwith. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.17.


Courts of Justice Act


(General heading)


The (identify moving party) will make a motion to the court (or judge) on (day), (date), at (time), or soon after that time as the motion can be heard, at (address of court house).

PROPOSED METHOD OF HEARING: The motion is to be heard (choose appropriate option)

â–¡ in writing under subrule 37.12.1 (1) because it is (insert one of on consent, unopposed or made without notice);

â–¡ in writing as an opposed motion under subrule 37.12.1 (4);

â–¡ orally.

THE MOTION IS FOR (state here the precise relief sought).

THE GROUNDS FOR THE MOTION ARE (specify the grounds to be argued, including a reference to any statutory provision or rule to be relied on).

THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE will be used at the hearing of the motion: (list the affidavits or other documentary evidence to be relied on).

(Date) (Name, address and telephone number of moving partys lawyer or moving party)

TO (Name and address of responding partys lawyer or responding party)

RCP-E 37A (July 1, 2007)

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Unread post by CoolChick »

Thank you for all of the info.... you are really helpful... <3

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