
Two Tickets For License Plate Obstruction Instead Of Two Stop Sign Tickets

Author: KKhan

Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Jan 16, 2025 5:10 pm

Two Tickets For License Plate Obstruction Instead Of Two Stop Sign Tickets

Unread post by KKhan »


I’m hoping that someone can help me out here.

I was handed two of those tickets at the same time because I rolled off two stop signs within a couple of hundred metres on the same road.

The officer told me that these are just like parking tickets and have no demerit and impact to Insurance. I see my drivers license number on the ticket at any time I see my drivers license number and name on a specific ticket. I’m assuming that is gonna go on my record.

While I’m grateful that he did not give me stop sign ticket, having two tickets for obstructed license plate, which I believe will be minor, are not great either.

I’m thinking of going to mediation and asking them to at least drop one and and then I will ask for how long it takes for a trial and see if I should try my luck going to court or not.

The officer told me that he’s giving me a break, but he has video recording of me, and if I go and fight it, then he will upgrade the charge.

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