Search found 6 matches

by commitedmistakes
Tue Nov 23, 2021 11:27 am
Forum: Stunt Driving
Topic: Stunt Driving - Did not get good offer from Prosecutor
Replies: 6
Views: 4387

Re: Stunt Driving - Did not get good offer from Prosecutor

In terms of speed, stunt driving is no longer limited to 50km+. 7. Driving a motor vehicle at a rate of speed that is 40 kilometres per hour or more over the speed limit, if the speed limit is less than 80 kilometres per hour. Since you were in a 50, anything 90+ would be considered stunt driving. ...
by commitedmistakes
Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:47 pm
Forum: Stunt Driving
Topic: Stunt Driving - Did not get good offer from Prosecutor
Replies: 6
Views: 4387

Re: Stunt Driving - Did not get good offer from Prosecutor

The regulations changed regarding stunt driving recently. Were you charged before or after July 1, 2021? I was charged on September 8th and then got court date to 5th October. Got changed to 8th Novemebr and that got changed to 22nd November. Appeared for court and I did not get good resolution off...
by commitedmistakes
Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:39 pm
Forum: Stunt Driving
Topic: Stunt Driving - Did not get good offer from Prosecutor
Replies: 6
Views: 4387

Re: Stunt Driving - Did not get good offer from Prosecutor

No. I was charged on 8th September 2021.
by commitedmistakes
Mon Oct 04, 2021 4:30 am
Forum: Stunt Driving
Topic: [URGENT REPLY] Stunt Driving - going 105 kmph in posted 50 kmph - Airport Road - Court details not received in mail post
Replies: 0
Views: 21971

[URGENT REPLY] Stunt Driving - going 105 kmph in posted 50 kmph - Airport Road - Court details not received in mail post

Hello everyone, I need timley and URGENT reply as my court date is tomorrow and I am really not sure what to do. First of all great forum with great information. I regret what I did. I truly do. It was 9 am in the Sunday morning and I just got carried away in extremely empty Airport Road by taking h...
by commitedmistakes
Mon Oct 04, 2021 4:16 am
Forum: Stunt Driving
Topic: 189km in 100 posted zone. Stunt driving and having cannabis readily available in vehicle
Replies: 6
Views: 3464

Re: 189km in 100 posted zone. Stunt driving and having cannabis readily available in vehicle

Thanks for the replies guys. I ended with a plea deal of 2500. My actions could have killed somebody, I’m glad my non-thinking behaviour was brought to my attention. No one wants an accident to happen, but at higher speeds the results could be fatal. Stay safe! Why the plea deal of 2500? Did not th...
by commitedmistakes
Thu Sep 02, 2021 11:47 pm
Forum: General Talk
Topic: I have a court date but it's on ZOOM VIDEO has anyone dealt with this ?
Replies: 2
Views: 2639

Re: I have a court date but it's on ZOOM VIDEO has anyone dealt with this ?

Hey what was your offence?

And how did you get Zoom call in details? Did you get details by mail in post or by email?

I am charged with stunt driving and officer told me I will get CALL IN details by mail. But, i did not receive anything yet.

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