
Don't Ditch Your Car, Or Else...

Author: Bookm

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Don't Ditch Your Car, Or Else...

Unread post by Bookm » ... _liability

"That's right officer, a DEER RAN OUT IN FRONT OF ME!!" (Must burn in to memory)!!

These poor saps who ditch there cars are insured by companies who have agreed to take a chance on them. They have every right to tell them to shop elsewhere yet they have taken their premiums and agreed to cover them. My insurance company and I have a signed contract that protects me even if an accident is MY fault (like every other law-abiding driver). Now the police are going to interfere with that contract???? How 'bout this Fantino... BUT OUT OF MY BUSINESS!!

I can't help but suspect he's on the take with the insurance industry. He determines that I should have KNOWN there was a sudden slick section, or that I should have been going slower, and my insurance company doesn't have to pay up?? I have to pay the damages myself?? Oh yah! He's getting something here.

I want to know if a car in the ditch is going to be proof enough to convict. Clearly, very few of these "offenses" will be witnessed by an officer, leaving a "he-said she-said" fiasco's between public witnesses. How honest do you think people are going to be when the outcome will determine who is going to lose his house in the settlement.

Here's to your destruction Fantino. Can't wait to read about one of YOUR family members suffer under your Province-wrecking initiatives! Of course that'll never happen though, right? ;)

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Just heard on AM640:The CLOWN got shot down

I missed the show... can you fill me in on the details?

As for the two OPP cruisers... :shock:

I'm getting really tired of all of this *EDIT* about how there's a desperate need to stop collisions from occurring in Ontario, to the point of turning our legal system into a circus freakshow. When it snows, cars are going to crash, yes people need to be more careful, here's an idea: Use the EXISTING laws and charge them with CARELESS DRIVING!

Of course they'll mess it up when they try to put the laws in place, so that if I'm sitting stopped at a light in a snowstorm and some bonehead phone whale ploughs into me and I get packed off to the hospital, my insurance won't cover it because the other driver is supposed to pay, and his insurance won't cover it. Then they'll find out the guy doesn't have any money, so I'm out of a car, out of work for a period of time and completely screwed with no recourse. Yippy-skippy happy-happy-joy-joy. :x And I'm sure they'll write it that way, too.

Also his statement that "this mirrors laws in the US," perhaps he'd like to find out what he's talking about, because that is completely wrong. Many states have fines for not adjusting to the road conditions, but as for cancelling your insurance, no. The only thing this law does is provide incentive for reckless drivers to hit and run.

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Unread post by BelSlySTi »

Radar Identified wrote:
Just heard on AM640:The CLOWN got shot down

I missed the show... can you fill me in on the details?

I heard on a AM 640 news brief that the Province will not listen to this proposal and NO Wonder...end of story!

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Unread post by hwybear »

The sooner something like gets passed the better!

I would rather see the 172 get the boot and this implemented...yesterday.

Would be a simple ticket, leave roadway, $110 and throw on 3 points.

Why? b/c no JP will convict anyone for just going in the ditch for careless and they claim it doesn't fit.

It is complete *EDIT* that as soon as snow falls or ice forms we have cars flying off the road. I have to go call to call (as do my co-workers). The roads are so bad we refuse to let tow trucks pull anyone, we simply transport the occupants to the closest restaurant/hotel. Yet at the same time 1000 others do not go in the ditch. Last storm I was going 65km to a priority call (lights/sirens)....then interviw the driver, approx speed 105km....WTF??? :shock:

Might as well add in another charge.....not only follow too close, but add in "strike another vehicle from behind".

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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Unread post by BelSlySTi »

Ontario Rejects Negligent Driver Bill

CFRA News Staff

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Ontario government has rejected OPP proposed legislation that would make drivers pay for accidents caused by careless driving.

OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino says at least 40 per cent of crashes are caused by people driving too fast in poor conditions and not paying attention. His bill would have let insurance companies off the hook and made motorists pay for accidents in which they were driving aggressively in bad weather.

The offices of the public safety minister, transportation minister and premier all declined to comment on rejected legislation. Public Safety Minister Rick Bartoluccis office says the ministry is not considering any winter driving amendments to Ontarios Highway Traffic Act.

Fantino says his proposed bill mirrors laws on the books in almost every U.S. State.

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Thanks, Bel.

I could be convinced that slapping someone with a fine and demerit points if they don't adjust to the road conditions is a good idea (in fact, it is), but making the driver pay for everything that insurance is supposed to cover?! Come on.

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The insurance company always gets their money back one way or the other... If the chap was responsible for his own collision, then his insurance company will pay, but his premiums will go through the roof, so he ends up paying anyway. Why change something that works?

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Fantino must be on crack!

"Commissioner Julian Fantino will propose absolute liability legislation today under the Highway Traffic Act to hold irresponsible drivers accountable. This essentially means making drivers pay for accidents in which they were driving aggressively in poor weather, not insurance companies "

HELLOOO! People just don't go into the ditch for no reason. The weather is a HUGE factor!

You don't have to be speeding or driving aggressively to lose control in a winter storm.

Last winter, me and my friend got stuck in a ditch during a storm, and no we were not speeding or driving like crazy kids, but in fact when the CAA truck came to rescue us...HE GOT STUCK TOO!

The CAA truck guy who was suppose to get us out of the ditch, found himself stuck in the snow for 30 minutes before he pulled us out, and even he was not safe from the weather.

So blaming people and calling them bad drivers, when there is a massive storm out side, just doesn't seem to be a logical proposal.

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Unread post by racer »

Why not blame City Services Department(s) for not salting/sanding the roads too? This is perhaps much more responsible for crashes. A friend of mine had an accident when he was driving at about 60 in a posted 70, came to a curve in the road, there was black ice on it. Car spun 4 times before it came to rest wrapped around a pine tree, somewhere in Wellington County. My friend was lucky to have minor cuts and bruises, instead of a lengthy hospital stay.

Last edited by racer on Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by racer »

hwybear wrote:The sooner something like gets passed the better!

I would rather see the 172 get the boot and this implemented...yesterday.

Would be a simple ticket, leave roadway, $110 and throw on 3 points.

Why? b/c no JP will convict anyone for just going in the ditch for careless and they claim it doesn't fit.

It is complete *EDIT* that as soon as snow falls or ice forms we have cars flying off the road. I have to go call to call (as do my co-workers). The roads are so bad we refuse to let tow trucks pull anyone, we simply transport the occupants to the closest restaurant/hotel. Yet at the same time 1000 others do not go in the ditch. Last storm I was going 65km to a priority call (lights/sirens)....then interviw the driver, approx speed 105km....WTF??? :shock:

Someone driving 105 in a severesnow storm is a prime example of stupidity. Someone hitting a patch of black ice going 50-60, and losing control of his vehicle because of that... Shouldn't deserve 3 points, don't you think? Or else, someone hears sirens/sees light of a cop cruiser/ambulance/fire truck, pulls over, loses control because the sides of the roads are never plowed well enough, goes into a ditch. Would be funny if it were a cop cruiser, who would have stopped to ticket the poor guy.

"The more laws, the less justice" - Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Unread post by BelSlySTi »

Don't be shy, send Julian a letter tell him what you think of his proposal!

Commissioner Fantino

3rd floor

777 Memorial Avenue

Orillia, Ontario

L3V 7V3.

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Unread post by Radar Identified »

Hmm... write Commissioner Fantino a letter... tempting... :twisted:

Someone going 105 km/h in a heavy snowstorm = Careless Driving, Proceed on Highway Like a Moron, and Operate Motor Vehicle While Dumber than Box of Hammers. Throw the book at him.

Someone going 50-60 km/h, hitting patch of black ice and going off road = Accident. It happens. This kind of driver is not a dangerous criminal, or even a bad driver. Hope your friend's okay!

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