
Section 170.1

Author: mytwocents

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Section 170.1

Unread post by mytwocents »

Can a person stop aburptly on a two lane highway with out checking the traffic behind them? Lady stopped suddenly said she was going to go right but she just stop and stayed there. I put my brakes on 5 to 6 car lengths away but she just sat there. There was no obstruction to her pulling to the right. One would normally slow down and pull over but she just stopped. Section 170.01 Says that you must have a 125m before doing so she didn't I hit her shouldn't she be at fault for stopping for no reason. She was planning to go to a garage sale on the other side of the road. One slow down and moves to the shoulder of the road when there is no other cars parked. On an 80 KM road way it seems that she was careless in not looking behind her. Note if she had of pulled to the right there would have been no accident. There was no drive ways to pull into on either side of the road I think she missed the drive way on the left and was going to pull a U-turn and was waiting for on coming traffic the only way she was looking.

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Re: Section 170.1

Unread post by Stanton »

You're required to leave sufficient room from vehicles in front of you that you can come to a full stop if needed. Section 170 would not apply since she wasn't parking, but waiting to turn around if I follow your explanation.

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Re: Section 170.1

Unread post by mytwocents »

It say no stand stopping or parking unless there is 125 m between you and any cars behind you. She also had no reason to wait the road way was clear of other cars since she said she was going to the right. She stopped abuptly (sic) and just sat in the middle of the road way there were no driveways no intersection no reason to stop period.

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Re: Section 170.1

Unread post by Stanton »

Again, 170 doesn't apply.

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