
Disclosure From Toronto Markahm Court

Author: aemi

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Disclosure From Toronto Markahm Court

Unread post by aemi »


I have been faxing requests for disclosure, but I have not received anything yet. My first request was on July 8, 2016. The trial will take place at Markham Court in Toronto. I suggested in the letter that the disclosure be email or mailed to me.

Do I have to pick up the disclosure instead? Are they going to call me or should I call them?

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Re: Disclosure From Toronto Markahm Court

Unread post by jsherk »

I would call them and ask if it is ready. Keep detailed log of date/time of all the requests you made and all the calls you make.

The courts have decided that the prosecutor has no obligation to tell you when it is ready and has no obligation to send it to you. The obligation is on you to check with them to see if it is ready, and all they have to do is tell you that yes it is ready and that you can come and pick it up.

Some prosecutors offices (like Barrie) will accept disclosure requests by email and then email you out the disclosure when it is ready as well. I am not sure if Markham will mail or email it out, but if you call and ask them, then they will tell you whether what they are willing to do.

+++ This is not legal advice, only my opinion +++
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