Ontario Highway Traffic Act

Traffic Ticket Forum

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About Us

Welcome to OHTA.ca!. Your go-to online community dedicated to assisting you with your traffic tickets. Joining our community is completely free. Simply register, select a forum, and post your topic for discussion.

Receiving a traffic ticket can be a major stressor in your life. It doesn't just impact your wallet but can also limit your freedom to drive without constraints. Each traffic ticket comes with demerit points, and accumulating too many can lead to the suspension of your driving privileges by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO). Additionally, expect a significant increase in your insurance premiums, sometimes costing thousands of dollars per year.

The best course of action when you receive a traffic ticket is to take immediate steps. Don't delay in seeking help. You might require professional assistance from a paralegal to navigate through your concerns. Questions like why you were pulled over, whether you could have handled the situation differently, or why you were singled out are common frustrations. While you wait for resolution, feel free to explore our site, where you'll find thousands of topics and posts. Ask questions and offer assistance to fellow members whenever possible!