Towing And Storage Fees After Impoundment Due To Stunt Driving
Hi everyone, I got charged with stunt driving on the 17th in Highway 400 southbound near the Maple area. This is my first offence; the streets were empty and I got carried away. 100% my fault and I have been regretting this since it happened.
The OPP officer called a towing company and the first tower took me to the nearest ONroute (~1/2 km away from the incident). Then another guy showed up and took my car for the 7 day impoundment. He gave me a business card and told me to call. I called the guy 20 times to know how much he is gonna charge me; first 2 days he did not pick up. Then I looked up the address in google maps and found a business that shared the same address. Called the other business and the guy gave a number. Called the number and this guy knows the tower and assured me he will tell him to call me. After 10 minutes he calls me and says the fees are:
350$ for tow + 80$/day for storage + 3.5$/km driven (he claims around 26 km; even though google maps shows 16-17) + HST
These add up to be almost 1140$. I am so shocked; my car never left the city of Vaughan and afaik from the internet, the rates are regulated there. Can I lower the fees somehow? I will go pick up the car next Sunday. Any advice/suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
I miss my car and this stupid mistake will cost me so much. I am having a bad week mentally. Never speed.