not HTA. Insurance is under the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act. Fine was probably $65.
Operator to carry insurance card
3. (1) An operator of a motor vehicle on a highway shall have in the motor vehicle at all times,
(a) an insurance card for the motor vehicle; or
(b) an insurance card evidencing that the operator is insured under a contract of automobile insurance,
and the operator shall surrender the insurance card for reasonable inspection upon the demand of a police officer
"insurance card" means,
(a) a Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Card in the form approved by the Superintendent,
(b) a policy of automobile insurance or a certificate of a policy in the form approved by the Superintendent, or
(c) a document in a form approved by the Superintendent
Nothing in the CAIA says a photocopy is sufficient, unlike the HTA where it allows the "permit" to be photocopied (remember front and back must be done)
My insurance sends me 6 pink slips for each vehicle. I have never understood why the originals are not in personal vehicles. Have I ever laid a charge for a photocopied insurance card = no. Photocopied permit= yes as both sides were not copied, hence the corresponding validation was missing.