
Front/bay Proceed Contrary To Sign At Intersection, 144(9)

Author: cckwokchun

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Front/bay Proceed Contrary To Sign At Intersection, 144(9)

Unread post by cckwokchun »

I made a right turn on green at front and by street. Quickly got pulled over by a cop waiting there, then I got a ticket states "Proceed contrary to sign at intersection, 144(9)"

I am from out of town and it was late at night. Also, at least 4 cars got pulled over at that time(even including a taxi)…so I believe it might be a new sign or very hard to see. (otherwise, I cant believe a taxi driver and many other ppl make the same mistake)

The officer told me I can have a court trial and lower the fine.

But I dont really care about the fine, I care about the increase on my car insurance. I have a clean record and I am turning 25 in 5 months.

I am with TD, I dont know how sensitive they are with one minor conviction like this.

Is there any chance I can get this tossed if I have a trial? (I have read a lot in this forum and still don't know wat to do.)

If not, I wouldnt bother since I am from out of town, the trouble of going to court is not worth it.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Front/bay Proceed Contrary To Sign At Intersection, 144(

Unread post by Radar Identified »

There's always a possibility that the charge could be withdrawn or thrown out, but in the majority of cases, that is not what happens. You could try to plea-bargain it down to a municipal by-law infraction, which would save you the insurance hike. Most cases that actually go to court in Ontario end up in some sort of plea-bargain, which is how you'd lower the fine and/or get the charge reduced. Other possibilities (less likely) are that the officer may not show up, or it may take them too long to bring it to trial and you can file the paperwork to get the charged "stayed" (stopped).

None of us can say for sure what kind of impact this ticket would have on your insurance rates. Some companies forgive one minor offence, others hike your rates for any ticket no matter how inconsequential.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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Re: Front/bay Proceed Contrary To Sign At Intersection, 144(

Unread post by cckwokchun »

Thanks so much for your advice. I am a total noob here.

I decide to give it a shot.

But what should I say when I bargain for a municipal by-law infraction? Do I just ask for it? Should I give them some reasons or argument?

Also, how long is too long to bring it to a trial?

Thanks again.

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Re: Front/bay Proceed Contrary To Sign At Intersection, 144(

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See what they're willing to offer you on your day of trial. You don't have to say anything or offer any excuses or reasons as to why you want the by-law infraction - just ask. Sometimes they'll offer you an offence with 0 demerit points, some will offer the by-law infraction, etc.

There is no way to know how long it will take for it to go to trial. You're likely looking at 8-12 months in Toronto.

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Re: Front/bay Proceed Contrary To Sign At Intersection, 144(

Unread post by cckwokchun »

I have been waiting for the trial date for almost 1 year now.

Is it possible to go in and get this dropped because its been almost 1 year? Or should I wait longer?


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Re: Front/bay Proceed Contrary To Sign At Intersection, 144(

Unread post by Stanton »

Yes, one year should be sufficient for a charter application to have the charges stayed (assuming the delay wasn't at your request). It's not something that happens automatically, and will require some effort on your part. Look under the Courts and Procedure folder for the thread about how to file an 11b.

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Re: Front/bay Proceed Contrary To Sign At Intersection, 144(

Unread post by cckwokchun »

I dont have notice of trial, neither the ticket.

I requested a trial, and they told me to go home and wait for mail. But I have never received anything, and its almost 1 year now.

I dont even remember whether they took my ticket and gave me a receipt or anything. I have nth in my hand.

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